Shield Security brings improved security and savings for local authority

Shield Security has been delighted to secure a new contract with Rotherham Council which will improve security at a large storage depot – and provide cost savings to the local authority.

Cost-savings have been made possible by the introduction of ‘web-eye’ CCTV technology at the site, meaning any movements on site spark live recordings of footage, as well as relaying images direct to Shield’s 24-hour Control Room.

The cameras, which film on activation and come with the function of allowing Shield’s security team to warn intruders to leave over speakers, are being installed by Shield’s technical team.

They are replacing an old CCTV system at the site, which was not reactive and simply filmed the premises.

“Our investment into the very latest technical products can bring big savings for clients, and this is an example of a job where we have visited the customer, looked at the service and security they require, and come up with a solution which improves their security cover, and also brings savings for the client,” said James Moore, business development manager at Shield

“In this circumstance, the client had what was a pretty ineffective CCTV system, and a manned guard, bringing up costs. The service we provide will give the council much better protection, at a better price.”